martes, 2 de abril de 2013

Videojuegos Terminados / Finished Video Games

Aquí dejo una lista que iré actualizando con los videojuegos que he terminado con su plataforma.
Para verlos todos, dale al botón "Leer más".
¡Si queréis más información sobre alguno, o recomendaciones lo podéis dejar en los comentarios!

Another Code: Two Memories [Nintendo DS]

Assassins Creed [PS3]

Batman: Arkaham Asylum [PC]

Beyond: Two Souls [PS3 - Platino]

Bioshock 1 [PS3]

Borderlands 1 GOTY [PC]

Borderlands 2 GOTY [PS3] [PC]

Call of Duty: Black Ops 1 [PC]

Dead Rising 2 [PC] [PS3]

Dead Space 1 [PC]

DeathSpank 1 [PC - 100%]

DeathSpank 2 [PC - 100%]

Devil May Cry 3 [PS2]

Devil May Cry 4 [PC]

Dragon Age Origins [PC]

Dynasty Warriors 6 [PC]

Dynasty Warriors 8 [PS3 - Platino]

El Profesor Layton y la villa misteriosa [Nintendo DS - 100%]

El Señor de los Anillos: Las Dos Torres [PS2]

El Señor de los Anillos: El Retorno del Rey [PS2]

El Señor de los Anillos: La Conquista [PS3]

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West [XBOX 360]

Final Fantasy I [GBA]

Final Fantasy VII [PSOne]

Final Fantasy X [PS2]

Fire Emblem 6: Sword of Seals [GBA] [Final Incompleto]

Fire Emblem 7: Blazing Sword [GBA] [Eliwood & Hector]

Fire Emblem 9: Path of Radiance [GameCube]

Gears of War [XBOX 360]

God of War 1 [PS2]

God of War 2 [PS2]

God of War 3 [PS3]

God of War: Chains of Olympus [PS3]

God of War: Ghost of Sparta [PS3]

Golden Axe 1 [SEGA Megadrive]

Gone Home [PC]

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City [PS2]

Guacamelee [PS3]

GUN [PS2 - 100%]

Halo Reach [XBOX 360]

Heavy Rain [PS3 - Platino]

Jak and Daxter: El Legado de los Precursores [PS2] [PS3 - Platino]

Jak 2: El Renegado [PS2] [PS3]

Jak 3 [PS2] [PS3]

Jak X [PS2]

Kingdom Hearts 1 [PS2]

Kingdom Hearts 2 [PS2]

Kirby's Dream Land [Game Boy]

Kirby's Dream Land 2 [Game Boy]

Left 4 Dead [XBOX 360]

Little Big Planet [PS3]

Little Inferno [Wii U] [PC STEAM 100%]

Locoroco [PSP]

Mario Kart DS [Nintendo DS]

Mario Smash Football [GameCube]

Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes [GameCube]

Monkey Island 1 [XBOX 360]

Monkey Island 2 [XBOX 360 - Logros 100%]

Need for Speed: Most Wanted [PS2 - 100%]

Paper Mario 2: The Thousand-Year Door [GameCube]

Papers Please [PC]

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney [Nintendo DS]

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All [Nintendo DS] 

Pikmin 1 [GameCube]

Plantas vs. Zombies [PC]

Pokémon Rojo [Game Boy]

Prototype [PS3]

Rayman Origins [PC]

Red Dead Redemption GOTY [PS3]

Remember Me [PS3]

Resident Evil 1 [GameCube]

Resident Evil 4 [GameCube]

Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition [PC] [PS3 - Platino]

Resident Evil 6 [PS3]

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City [PC]

Resident Evil: Revelations [PS3]

Saw 1: The Video Game [PC] [PS3 - Platino]

Shadow of the Colossus [PS2]

Shadows of the Damned [PS3]

Sonic the Hedgehog 1 [SEGA Megadrive]

Sonic Adventure DX [GameCube]

Sonic Adventure 2 [GameCube]

Sonic and the Black Knight [WII]

Sonic Generations [PC]

Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing [PC]

Star Wars Battlefront 2 [PS2]

Streets of Rage 1 [SEGA Megadrive]

Streets of Rage 2 [SEGA Megadrive]

Tekken 5 [PS2]

The Darkness [PS3]

The House of the Dead 2 [Dreamcast] [WII]

The House of the Dead: Overkill [WII]

The Last of Us [PS3]

The Simpsons Hit & Run [PS2]

The Walking Dead GOTY [XBOX 360 - Logros 100%]

The Wolf Among Us [PC]

TimeSplitters 3: Future Perfect [GameCube]

Tomb Raider: Legend [PS3]

Tomb Raider: Anniversary [PS3]

Torin's Passage [PC]

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune [PS3]

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